Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Guess who finally got to meet David? Grandpa Soderlund paid us a visit last night. Now we are complete: David has met all his grandparents.
Ah, the old "napkin on the head" routine!

For those of you who didn't believe me when I told you that David has teeth, behold the teeth!



Grandma Soderlund came to visit a couple weeks ago. We had fun gardening in the patio when she wasn't busy doing this:

Great Grandma came too!

David's new toy. This is mommy's favorite pic for today's post. He makes that face every time we put him in the jumper. Notice the socks. Does anyone have a favorite brand of infant socks that really do stay on?

The whole family.


Lorisa Schmidt said...

So cute. Sorry we didn't get to talk to you guys at church. I can't believe he has teeth already. My favorite brand of socks are Trumpette socks. You can order them online and they are the best at staying on that I have found, not to mention the cutest.

Larry, Chrissy and David said...

Thanks, Lorisa! I'll look up Trumpette socks. We had to leave early on Sunday because David was getting hungry and about to lose it. Hopefully we can chat this weekend!

W said...

Thank you for putting a big red arrow with the word "teeth" pointing to his mouth. I would not have known where to look for the teeth.

OK, but wait. Really. He has teeth?!

Larry, Chrissy and David said...

Wendo, you're so mean. YES, he has TEETH!!! It kind of happened overnight!

Diane Gladieux said...

Take my word for it ... no such invention of baby socks that stay on. They will find a way to fall off. Cute pictures.

Stephanie said...

old navy socks work for us (though milo can pull them off)