Monday, July 20, 2009

Seattle, Meeting Miss Darcy

David took his first plane ride over the 4th of July weekend! We traveled to Seattle to meet David's newest cousin, Darcy Ann Cook. For more pictures from the visit, click on the "Cook Family" link on the left side of this screen. Also, check out this video: We all survived the plane ride, which was good practice for our plane ride to Poland later this week.

Mommy's favorite pic for this post:
Uncle Brent and Aunt Rhonda were there too! On picnic day, Brent and David were hat buddies.
Here's Aunt Beth and Darcy with Mommy and David.
Uncle Brent and Aunt Rhonda with Cousin Darcy.

Aunt Beth with Cousin Darcy.
Chrissy, Beth and Darcy.
Uncle Ted, Aunt Beth and Cousin Darcy.
Chrissy with her newest niece.


Unknown said...

great pics! thanks for posting them. I still want to see the video we took of the kiddos watching the baby einstein sun. =0)

Larry, Chrissy and David said...

Oh yeah! I think that video is too long to post online, so remind me to bring the camera down when you're in town.